Happy Birthday Coach MoMo. We love you Marie!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 8 mins
2 Rounds:
10 PVC Pass throughs
10 Kip Swings
10 Strict Press
5 Burpees
Then: – 1:30 / Side LAX Roll Posterior Shoulder or Traps
Retest Strength: 16 mins – Compare to 2/5/19
10 RM Strict Press – 10 Mins
Rest at least 2 mins then:
Max Effort Kipping / Butterfly Pull Ups
*If less than 8 perform a 1 Min M.E
Metcon: 15 Mins
15 Min AMRAP – Teams of 3:
10 Bench Press (135/95)
10/7 Cal Bike or 10 Burpees
10 T2B
Each athlete starts at a different station. Rotate when all athletes complete all of their reps
Elite Competition Class
Optional Active Recovery
15 Calorie Machine
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
60 Second Hollow Hold (Accumulated)
-This Optional Active Recovery piece is not for time, rather it’s intended to just move around and break a sweat
-The 60 seconds in a hollow hold is accumulated time – it does not have to be completed unbroken
Performance Power Training
Thursday, February 13th, 2020
Pre-Flight: Massive pumps today. Some good ol prison sessions and unilateral and core stabilizing work.
Jet Fuel: Bike 2mins
5 Pushups
5 (each side)Plank KB pass through/drags https://youtu.be/Eker_fO0bck
5 kb push press each arm
Major, Lift: Red: Shoulder Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Close-Grip Bench
Max 2
2×2 @90%
1xAMRAP @80%
3x Superset
Max reps pullups
Max reps dips
Max reps pushup
**No bicep gauntlet today**
3min AMRAP:
3 DB Push Press
10ft Death Crawl
3 DB Push Press
10ft overhead walk
3 Burpees
*1 min rest between bouts
*These are short and nasty. Get after it! You get what you give.
*Progressing from last week, we are using two db’s and both arms at once this time.
*Use the same weight as last week with both DB’s
*10ft down, 10ft back
*https://youtu.be/s4kec81FVcY Death crawl video