Don’t forget to introduce yourself to any new faces you come across! Lets welcome our new members into the CF DNR family.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
EMOM for 5 mins
8 Ring Dips
10 Ring Dips
Week 3 of squatting everyday
20 mins to perform:
Bar x10
35% x10
45% x5
55% x5
65% x3
75% x3
85% X3
95% X1
Work up to a 1RM.
5 Rounds
10 Handstand Push ups
10 Power Cleans 95/65
Elite Competition Class
1. Clean and Jerk
Build to a heavy 3-position Clean + Split Jerk
Pos 1: Above knee
Pos 2: Below knee
Pos 3: Ground
2. Barbell Cycling
Use one barbell and change weights during rest period.
4 Snatches + 8 CJ, 155/105, 2 min rest
3 Snatches + 7 CJ, 185/135, 2 min rest
2 Snatches + 6 CJ, 205/145, 2 min rest
1 Snatch + 5 CJ, 225/155
3. Conditioning
With a Running Clock:
A. At the 0:00
2 RFT:
30 Wall Balls, 20/14
15 C2B Pull ups
B. At the 5:00
2 RFT:
24 Wall Balls, 20/14
12 C2B Pull ups
A. At the 10:00
2 RFT:
18 Wall Balls, 20/14
9 C2B Pull ups