Freedom WOD Classes
5 x 1 High Hang (pockets) Sq Snatch at 60% of 1RM
3 x 2 Hang Sq Snatch (just above the knee) at 70% of 1Rm
1 x 3 Sq Snatch at 80-85-90% of 1Rm
15 min AMRAP
5 Power Snatch, 135/95
10 TTB
15 Box Jump Overs, 24/20
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
50 Double unders
21 Box Jumps, 24/20
15 C2B Pull ups
2. Snatch
A. 3-rep heavy Overhead Squat
B. 2-rep heavy Snatch Balance
C. 1-rep heavy High Hang Squat Snatch
3. Strength
5×5 Front Squat
4. Gymnastics
5 sets of Max Rep Ring Muscle ups in :30, rest as needed between sets