The Finial Count Down!
Today is the end of Coach Cassandra’s program!
Up on deck Coach David and Bryan!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up 10 Mins
5 BB Jefferson curls
90/sec LAX glutes
2 Rounds
5 push ups
5 BB complex (DL + PC + FS + S2OH)
4 Mins to warm up to first working weight
8 Mins
Coach Lead Tempo or “Slow” Squat Clean
3×3 at 65, 70 & 72%
60 sec rest between sets
8 Mins
Tempo Front Squat 2-3-1-0
3×5 at 65%
60 sec rest between sets
- 2-3-1-0
- The first number (2) is the eccentric, or lowering, component of the lift.
- The second number (3) denotes any pause at the bottom.
- The third number (1) is the concentric, or lifting, component.
- Finally, the fourth number (0) denotes any pause at the top.
Metcon: 12 mins
12 Min AMRAP
21 T-2-B
42 Double Unders/Single Unders
21 Front Squats 95/65
18 T-2-B
36 Double Unders/Single Unders
18 Front Squats 115/75
15 T-2-B
30 Double Unders/Single Unders
15 Front Squats 135/95
12 T-2-B
24 Double Unders/Single Unders
12 Front Squats 155/110
6 T-2-B
18 Double Unders/Single Unders
6 Front Squats 185/125
You must take the bar from the ground. No racks allowed.
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Week “A”
Friday: Arms Bicep and Triceps (Optional Day)
1)Super Set: 4×8-12
Seated DB Curls
DB Skull Crushers
Then drop the weight down
Single Arm Curl while holding the other side static at 90degrs for 8 then switch.
Same thing for Skull Crushers
2)Super Set: 4×8-12
EZ Bar Preacher Curls
DB Overhead Extension
Last set is a double drop set for both movements. Meaning ME reps at heavy weight then drop to a lighter weight
for ME then one more drop in weight for ME reps then move to Tricep for same double drop set.
3)Super Set: 4×8-12
Incline DB Curls
Cable Rope Overhead Extensions
Last set is a double drop set for both movements.
4)Super Set: 3x 21’s
Straight Bar Curl
Cable Rope Push Downs
5)Super Set: 4×8-12
DB Alternating Hammer Curl
Single Arm Cable Push Downs
6)Super Set: 4×8-12
Cable Curl
Cable Push Downs
Dive Team
Coach Luke: