This marks our 3rd week of the squat everyday programe.. We have seen some great squat PRs already, keep up the great work it is paying off!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Week 3 of squatting everyday
20 mins to perform:
Bar x10
35% x10
45% x5
55% x5
65% x3
75% x3
85% X3
95% X1
Work up to a 1RM.
15 min Ladder
1 Muscle Up or C-2-B Pull Ups
1 Power Clean 155/105
2 Muscle Ups or C-2-B Pull Ups
2 Power Cleans
3 Muscle Ups or C-2-B Pull Ups
3 Power Cleans
Elite Competition Class
1. Cleans
1RM Squat Clean
2. Conditioning
For time:
2,000m Row
50 Alternating Pistols (25/side)
30 Hang Power Cleans, 225/155
3. Gymnastics Conditioning
50 Strict C2B Pull-ups for time