Freedom WOD Classes
8 Min EMOM 80-85% 1 RM
2015 New Years Metcon:
4 Rounds for time:
20 Burpees
15 Cleans (115/75)
Elite Competition Class
1. For Time:
100 Double unders
5 rounds of Cindy
80 Double unders
4 rounds of Cindy
60 Double unders
3 rounds of Cindy
40 Double unders
2 rounds of Cindy
20 Double unders
1 round of Cindy
2. 12 Min EMOM
Odd: Power Snatch + Snatch Balance
Even: 3-Position Snatch (3 squat snatches – 1 from the pockets, 1 from the knees, 1 from the floor)
3. Deadlift – work up to a heavy set of 5