Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
10 mins Droms
20 mins to perform:
Bar x10
35% x10
45% x5
55% x5
65% x3
75% x3
85% X3
95% X1
Work up to a 1RM.
Team Vs Team
4 Round per team
ME Row for meters
ME Push Ups
A Team of 2 will vs another team of 2. “Team Blue” will have 2 mins to accumulate as many meters on the rower and as many Push Ups as possible while “Team Red” rest. The athletes must remain on the same movement/exercise for the entire 2 mins of the round, then on the next round they will switch movements/exercise and again remain there for the entire 2 mins.
As soon as the 2 mins is up “Team Red” will have 2 mins of work to accumulate meters and reps while “Team Blue” rest. Each team will get equal work/rest time.
Elite Competition Class
1. Snatch
work up to a heavy single from the low hang
2. Snatch
EMOMx5: 5 TnG Squat Snatches, across
3. Conditioning
5 Rds:
25 Cal Row
12 1-arm alternating DB Snatch, 70/50 (6/side)
3 Rope Climbs