Each month we will have a theme this month is “Idols”. Who is your Idol? With this said Monday the 26th show up as your Idol is some form dress like them, talk like them, wear something that big or small that represents that person, act like them, but most important Train unitl your idol becomes your rival!!!!!!!!
Freedom WOD Classes
Pull ups: 3 sets Max Effort (If you on a band us the smallest one you can)
15 min AMRAP
15 Push Press 95/65
15 Box Jumps 24/20
15 Sit ups
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
“Team Power Drill”
Teams of two, 5 Rounds each of:
10 Power Clean, 135/95
15 Burpees
20 KBS, 1.5-pood/1-pood
25 Wall Balls, 20,14
one athlete completes a full round while the other rests, then switch.
2. Skills
Odd: Snatch Balance + Sotts Press + 2 OHS
Even: 50 Double unders