White Elephant Ugly Sweater Party is this Saturday! Bring your best holiday spirit and entrée / side for the potluck. The party is from 5-8 p.m and it’d be a lot cooler if we weren’t the only ones there at 5:00 so don’t even think about being “fashionably late”.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 10 Mins
1:00 PVC ROM
2 Rounds:
10 Wall Glides
15 Pull Aparts
8 Ring Rows
8 Ring Y’s
10 RDLs
10 Deadlifts
Then 1:30 / Side LAX Roll Rotator Cuff
Strength: 15 Mins
Pick 1 or more of these to perform and record your reps or time:
1) Max Rep Strict HSPU
2) 2:00 Max Rep HSPU – if on a box use this variation
3) Max Rep Strict Press @ 70% 1RM
Metcon: 12 Mins
5 Min AMRAP x 2
1 Rope Climb or 3 Strict Pull Ups
5 T2B
7 Deadlifts 225/155
Then 2:00 rest and repeat 5 min amrap
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Choose ONE from…
1) 20 Mins on Step Machine
2) 20 Mins on Elliptical
3) 20 Mins on Bike