Get Your Last Couple Of Workouts In Before The End Of The Year!
Check Mindbody For Holiday Week Class Schedule.
Freedom WOD Class
Warm up: 5 Mins
Inchworms (Down)
Floor-sweeps (Back)
High Knees (Down and Back)
Butt Kicks (Down and Back)
Walking Lunge (Down)
Single Leg Squat Jump (Back)
Monster Walk (Down and Back)
20 Air Squats
Tempo or “Slow” Squat Snatch
3×3 at 65, 70 & 72%
60 sec rest between sets
The slow pull snatch is simply a snatch in which the athlete performs the first pull at a lower than natural speed. Perform the lift identically in terms of position, but slow the movement of the bar to the mid- to upper-thigh so that it takes 2-3 seconds to reach that point. As the bar reaches that point, without slowing down, accelerate the bar aggressively with violent leg and hip extension, keeping the bar close to the body and allowing it to contact at the hips.
8 Mins
Tempo Back Squat 2-3-1-0
3×5 at 65%
60 sec rest between sets
- 2-3-1-0
- The first number (2) is the eccentric, or lowering, component of the lift.
- The second number (3) denotes any pause at the bottom.
- The third number (1) is the concentric, or lifting, component.
- Finally, the fourth number (0) denotes any pause at the top.
Metcon: 16 Mins
4 Rounds x 3 Mins
3 Wall Walks
15 Snatches 95/65
Bike/Ski/Row Cals In Remaining Time
Rest 1 Min
Score Is Total Cals Across The 4 Rounds
Functional Bodybuilding Class
A WEEK: Heavy week
Monday: Chest and Biceps:
1)Heavy Bench Press 5×5 pyramiding
2)Giant Set 3×8-12 pyramiding
Isometric Push Up (Wipers) Or Push Ups with a 3-5 sec pause at the bottom
Single Arm DB Bicep Curl (Preacher)
DB Bench Press
3)Drop Set x3 sets
Incline DB Bench Press
3/5/7/9+9 Flys
4)Giant Set 3×8-12
Cable Scraper Bicep Curls
DB Decline Bench Press
Cable Skull Crusher Bicep Curls (high to low)
5)Giant Set 3×8-12
DB Pull Overs
DB Crusher Press
Cable Cross Over (low to high)
1 Set ME Bench Press Breathing Set
1×8-10 w/ 5 sec Eccentric/Concentric Bicep Curl
Alternative Finisher:
Push Up Ladder
10 Wide Grip (turn hands out)
10 Smith Machine Low W/Wide hands (index fingers on loops or wider)
10 Smith Machine 3 Levels Higher (pinky fingers on loops)
10 Smith Machine 3 Levels Higher (pinky on edge of knurling)
10 Smith Machine Same Level Reverse Grip (index fingers on edge
Dive Team
Warm Up:
3 Rounds
16 Goblet Lunges
16 Goblet Cyclist Squats
16 3/4 Sumo DL
Metcon: 12 mins
1 Slam Balls
10 Box Jumps
2 Slam Balls
9 Box Jumps
3 Slam Balls
8 Box Jumps
4 Slam Balls
7 Box Jumps
5 Slam Balls
6 Box Jumps
6 Slam Balls
5 Box Jumps
7 Slam Balls
4 Box Jumps
8 Slam Balls
3 Box Jumps
9 Slam Balls
2 Box Jumps
10 Slam Balls
1 Box Jumps