The CrossFit DNR Christmas Party will be held on Saturday December 12th from 5:00pm to 8:00pm at CrossFit DNR. This is a potluck style party, so we need folks to bring MEAT and other things too. There is an event page set up on FaceBook. Please comment in the event with what you will be bringing. If you don’t have a FB account then please let Kyle, Kody, or Bre know what you are planning on bringing. All CF DNR members and families are welcome! Please note this is a social event and there will not be a workout.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
10 min Mobility
Coaches choice
5 min EMOM
Front Squats at 85% of 1RM x 3 reps
10 min to Clean
Warm ups set then
80% x 5
85% x 3
Power Clean 135/95
Pull Ups
Elite Competition Class
1. Snatch Balance
3-2-1-1-1, Climbing
2. Conditioning
10 TTB
15 Wall Balls