Congratulations Flint and Karey on your very exciting news!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
EMOM for 5 mins
8 Ring Dips
10 Ring Dips
Week 5 of squatting everyday
20 mins to perform:
Bar x10
35% x10
45% x5
55% x5
65% x3
75% x3
85% X3
95% X1
Work up to a 1RM.
“Bearing 9-6-3”
Bear Complex 95/65
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push Press
1 Back Squat
1 Back Rack Push Press
Elite Competition Class
1. Barbell Cycling
2 rounds of:
15 seconds of max rep Power Snatches 165/115
45 seconds rest
25 seconds of max repHang Power Cleans, 165/115
35 seconds rest
15 seconds of max rep Power Jerks, 165/115
45 seconds rest
25 seconds of max rep Front Squats, 165/115
35 seconds rest
2. Conditioning
5 RFT:
5 Deads, 315/255
15 Kipping HSPU