It’s more like 86 days, but who’s counting… Time for everyone to get into Opens mode!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
3 rounds
5 Burpees
10 Air squats with a 3 sec pause at the bottom
Movement of the Week:
Hip Flexor Exercise
6 Mins to perform Every Day
3 rounds 10 reps of each: Right Leg Only, Left Leg Only, and Both Legs at the same time. You can sit against a wall if needed. When working with the right leg sit in a straddle with your left hand placed in between your legs and your right hand outside of your right leg. Switch it for the left leg. When working both legs place both hands in between your legs.
De-load Week
10 Min EMOM
3 Back Squats 65% of 1RM
TBA! There is a special wod to welcome everyone back!
Every minute on the minute do the number of burpees indicated in the minute.
Example, in min 1 do 20 burpees min 2 do 7 burpees and so on. If you complete the number of burpees in less than 60 sec you get to rest until the min laps. If you do not complete the number of burpees required for that min then there will be a penalty. Penalties will be done at the end of the 20 mins.
Each burpee missed = 1 Cal row
1) 20 burpees
2) 7
3) 13
4) 10
5) 1
6) 19
7) 4
8) 16
9) 8
10) 12
11) 3
12) 17
13) 5
14) 15
15) 11
16) 9
17) 18
18) 2
19) 14
20) 6
Elite Competition Class
1. Snatch
2. Snatch Pull
3. Back Squat
4. Gymnastics Conditioning
Choose one of the following:
A. 3 sets of 9 unbroken muscle-ups
B. 4 sets of 7 unbroken muscle-ups
C. 5 sets of 5 unbroken muscle-ups
D. 6 sets of 4 unbroken muscle-ups
Rest 1 minute between sets
5. Conditioning
30 DU
15 Power Cleans (135/95#)
30 DU
15 T2B