Black Friday Special: ALL merchandise is 15% OFF. SAY WHAT? This includes all apparel, Progenex and FitAid products! Offer valid 11/27/15 – 11/30/15 to all active CrossFit DNR members only..
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
5 min EMOM
Back Squat at 75% of 1RM x 5 reps
10 min to Clean
Warm up set then
75% x 5
80% x 3
3 Rounds
10 C2B Pull ups
10 Deadlift, 165/115
10 Hand Release Push Ups
Elite Competition Class
1. Squat
1RM Back Squat
2. Gymnastics Benchmark
Your Choice of 1 set of max unbroken reps of Muscle ups or Pull ups
3. Conditioning:
500m Row Time Trial
4. Conditioning
5 RFT:
7 unbroken TTB + 14 unbroken Wall Balls (30/20) + 21 unbroken Double unders
Rest :30 between rounds