The Wilson family would like to wish us all a Happy thanksgiving from Cozumel!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Hollow Body Kipping Swings
PVC or Empty Bar Hang Power Snatch
Movement of the Week:
6 Mins to perform Every Day
2 rounds 12 reps of each: I’s, T’s and Y’s
“C5 Week”
3 Sets Unbroken Pull Ups At 50% + 5 of your Max Effort Pull Ups
Example my max effort pull ups was 40, then I will perform 5 sets of 25 unbroken pull ups
4 Rounds
3 Muscle-ups or 6 Chest-2-Bar Pull Ups
5 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 (no ghost riding)
8 Box Jumps
400 meter Run
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
For time:
2K Row