Check out the new BoxBasics “Be a Beast” shirt! They come in both tee’s and tanks.
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
“JunkYard Dog”
12 min
Split Jerk Drill: Working on split/speed/and drive under the bar (PCV or Unloaded Bar)
12 min EMOM Note: Do not go any heavier than 60% of your 1RM
Odd min: 2 Split Jerk : Work on proper foot work 50/50 splits
Even min: 2 Push Jerk : Work on catching in the hips/heels
4 min AMRAP
24 Double Unders
12 Ab Mat Sit Ups
Right into with no Rest or transition time
4 min AMRAP
8 Stick jumps (over and back is 1 rep) 24/20
14 Wall Balls 20/14
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
2015 Turkey Challenge Individual Event 1
“The Classic WOD”
5 Rounds for time of:
21 Calorie row
15 Bar-facing burpees
9 Fat bar overhead squats
2. Squats
Back Squat
2 x 10
Front Squats
2 x 10