Welcome back from your Thanksgiving break Hooligans! We have a special workout planned for you today!
We will still be providing bodybuilding programming but for the time being we will not be offering the 6:20 p.m class. Please feel free to reach out for any movement explanations, etc and we hope to bring the class back in the near future!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 6 Mins
2 Rounds :30 Each:
Air Squat or PVC OH Squat
PVC Pass Throughs
Push Ups
1:00 / Side Samson Stretch
Strength: 12 Mins
3-2-1 Squat Snatch – Finish around 90-95%
Metcon: 20 Mins
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Week 2 But Did You Die? Volume Week:
Morning Fasted State Cardio
Session 1: Steady State Cardio Effort averaging 120-130 BPM for 35-40 Minutes.
Choose ONE from…
1) 20 Mins on Step Machine
2) 20 Mins on Elliptical
3) 20 Mins on Bike
Evening Bodybuilding
Session 2: 60 Mins
Giant Set
4 Sets
20 Reps Reverse Cable Curls
20 Reps Close Grip Cable Curls
20 Reps Wide Grip Cable Curls
20 Reps Wide Grip Drag Curls
Do all 4 exercises without stopping = 1 set
Giant Set
4 Sets
20 Reps Partial Rope Extensions (bottom)
20 Reps Partial Rope Extensions (top)
20 Reps Full ROM Rope Extensions
ME Close Grip Push Ups
Do all 4 exercises without stopping = 1 set
Giant Set
3 Sets
20 Reps EZ Bar Close Grip Curls
20 Reps EZ Bar drag Curls
20 Reps Seated French Press
20 Incline Skull Crushers
Do all 4 exercises without stopping = 1 set