Please Check MindBody Online To See The Holiday Schedule!
Warm Up 12 Mins
2 Mins DU practice / Flight Simulator
3 mins Bike/Row Warm
10 Plank Shoulder Taps
10 Kip Swings
10 Power Snatch
Strength: 8 Mins
Tabata 20/10 (4 rounds = 8 min)
Star Fish Crunch
Black Widow Knee Slides aka Mountain Climber with a lift
Seated Corkscrew
Dragon Flag or Anchor Point T-2-B
Metcon: 18 Min
3 min on/3 min off for 3 Rounds
7 T2B
5 Power Snatch
7/5 cal Bike
Increasing weight each round (75/95/115 lb) male (55/65/75) female 18 min total
*If the class is big, you can split the class in half so that everyone can share the bikes
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Tuesday: Back and Triceps:
1) 4×25
Straight Bar Lat Pull Down
2) 3×20 Build Over the 3 Sets
V-Bar Low Row
3) Giant Set 3×15-20
V-Bar Lat Pull Down
Tricep Press Down
Lat Press Down
4) Super Set 3×15-20
T-Bar Row
Cable Rope French Press
5) Giant Set 3×15-20
Stand Single Arm Cable Row
DB Tricep Kick Back
DB Bent Over Row
*Do everything on the right arm aka cable row, kick back, bent over row then switch to the left arm = 1 set
Ladies Hour:
Warm Up: 6 Mins
3 Rounds
X-Band Walk
Air Squats
Strength: 8 Min Cap
4 Rounds
Single Leg Wall Glute Bridge
30 Sec Banded Leg Pull A Parts
30 Sec Banded ButterFly Pull A Parts
30 Sec Banded Knee Pull A Parts
30 Sec Rest
Metcon: 18 Mins
3 Rounds No Rotating
Tabata 45/15
Left Bench Curtsy Lunges
Left Single Leg Wall Glute Bridge
Right Bench Curtsy Lunges
Right Single Leg Wall Glute Bridge