Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 5 mins
2 Rounds
10 Kip Swings
10 Pendaly Rows
10 Glute Bridges
Strength: 5 min
5 Min EMOM
8-10 T-2-B with the remaining time in the min Plank
Happy 33nd Bday Brandon Nazzise
21 Min EMOM
3 DeadLift 85/60
3 Hang Power Clean 85/60
3 Burpees over bar
This is done Chelsea style. You have 60 secs to perform all 9 reps, then you may rest with the remaining time in the min. Repeat until 21 mins has expired or until you can’t finish all 9 reps with in the min.
Elite Competition Class
1. Strict Handstand Push-ups
2 Rounds:
55% of Max Unbroken Strict Handstand Push-ups
45% of Max Unbroken Strict Handstand Push-ups
35% of Max Unbroken Strict Handstand Push-ups
*Rest as little as needed between unbroken sets, and rest 2:00 between rounds.
2. Run Conditioning
On the 2:30 x 6
Shuttle Sprint
10 – 20 – 30 + 100 Meter Sprint
Run 10 meters and back, 20 meters and back, 30 meters and back, followed by a 100 meter sprint.
3. Conditioning
For Time:
400 Meter Run, 30 Wall Balls (30/20), 30 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
400 Meter Run, 21 Kettlebell Swings (70/53), 12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run, 21 Kettlebell Swings (70/53), 12 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run, 30 Wall Balls (30/20), 30 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
4. Midline
For Time:
60 GHD Sit-Ups
30 Sand Bag Cleans (100/80)
150 Sand Bag Run (100/80)