Freedom WOD Classes
Burpees to Lady Gaga’s The Edge of Glory, Key word EDGE
6 min EMOM
Back Squat at 90% of 1RM x 1 reps
Snatch Pull using % of snatch 1RM
90% x 5
100% x 3
110% x 1
Sq Snatch
80% x 1
85% x 1
90% x 1
3 rounds with a 12 min cap
10 Hang Power Snatch 95/65
20 Push Ups
30 Air Squats
400 M Run
Elite Competition Class
1. Snatch
3×1 Squat Snatch at 85%
2. Squat
1×10 Back Squats
-If you haven’t caught on by now, we do have been doing a modified version of the “Texas Method” for squats. Mondays are higher volume back squats (1-5 sets of 10), Wednesdays are Front Squats for moderate load and volume (3-5 sets of 3-5 reps), and we do heavy back squats on Fridays (10×1). The idea behind this progression is to maintain a linear progress on Fridays 10×1. Mondays and Tuesdays will vary in scheme and approach (across or climbing). Friday should always be across and 5-10 lbs heavier than you did the week before (aka Linear Progression).
3. Conditioning
Row 1K
30 DL(225/155)
50 Pull-Ups