Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 5 mins
Treat this as a warm up
To the “Ghostbusters” theme song
Every time you hear the word Ghostbusters you must perform:
3 Wall Balls 20/14
8 mins
3×4 Split Jerk Strict Press at 60% of Strict press 1RM
8 mins
3×4 Jerk Balance at 60% of Jerk 1 RM
25 Min AMRAP
5 Anchor Point T-2-B (use a KB to anchor off of)
10 Floor Press 135/95 (scaled 95/65)
15 Double Unders or 30 singles
Elite Competition Class
Barbell Cycling – 10 Mins – Use Percentages
For Time:
10 Power Snatches (155/105) 55%
8 Power Snatches (185/135) 65%
6 Power Snatches (205/145) 75%
4 Power Snatches (225/155) 80%
2 Power Snatches (245/165) 85%
Push Press – 11 Mins
Heavy 5
Heavy 4
Heavy 3
Heavy 2
Heavy 1
Rest 2 mins between sets
Conditioning – 12 Mins
On the 3:00 x 4 Rounds
20/15 Calorie Row
15 Barbell Facing Burpees
Max Push Presses (175/115) in time remaining
No rest between rounds
Gymnastics – 15 Mins
5 Sets:
7 Toes to Bar + 6 Chest to Bar Pull-ups + 5 Bar Muscle-Ups
Each Round Should Take 1 min or less
Rest 2 Mins between Sets