24/7 access included in membership

October 19, 2016 by thao



Friday is Ladies night at Coach Shannon’s house 6:30 – 10:pm contact Bre or Shannon for more details Bros and Brews night at Maxline Brewery 8:00pm – 10:00pm.

Saturday is our 6th Annual Halloween WOD and get together starting at 12:00pm. Come dressed in your best costume and be ready to take on Fran-kenstein. WOD is optional but costumes are not so dress up and have fun! This is a free event, so bring somebody with you.

Freedom WOD Classes

Warm Up:
Pizza Boy

Movement of the Week:
Accumulate 3 mins Per Leg Every Day
Quad Smash

“C3 Week”
10 Min EMOM
9 Toe-2-Bar

15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Hang Power Clean 135/95
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5 Hang Power Clean 135/95
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Elite Competition Class

1.  Technique Work
A.  3×3 Snatch Balance, light!
B.  3×3 Tall Snatch, light!
C.  3×3 Tall Clean, light!

2.  Back Squat
Triple at 83%
Single at 87%
Triple at 83%
Single at 89%
Triple at 83%
Single at 91%

3.  Snatch
Double at 60%, Double at 70%, Double at 75%, then 3 Singles at 85%

4.  Clean & Jerk
Double at 60%
Double at 70%
Double at 75%
3 Singles at 85%

5.  Conditioning
Min 1: 20/16 Calorie Row
Min 2: 15 Wall Balls (30/20#)
Min 3: 50 Double-unders



    2716 S. College Ave Suite B Fort Collins, CO, 80525

    (970) 213-3974


    Terms and Conditions for trial week

    You must be a resident and have a local address in Fort Collins. Offer valid for new members only! Parent or guardian must be present to sign waiver for anyone under the age of 18 years of age. Can note be combined with any other offers or discounts. 

      Still Have A Question?

      We Respond Fast! If we don't respond to your message in 15 minutes, WE OWE YOU 15 BURPEES!