Halloween T-Shirt/Tank Pre-Sale starts Monday 10/19/15. Limited stock available, sizes available in Men’s T-shirts (M,L,XL,XXL), Women’s T-shirts (M,L,XL), and Women’s Tanks (S,M,L)… $15.00 per shirt and you can also buy any of the other shirts in stock for an extra $10.00. That is two shirts for $25.00 + tax!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
Plate Warm up.
Snatch Pulls
90% x 5
100% x 3
110% x 1
10 min EMOM On the 2 minute
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch + 1 OHS
Complete every 90 seconds:
5 Ground to Overhead 115/75
6 Box Jumps 30/24
7 V-ups
Every 90 seconds, complete all of the above exercises. Continue until you have completed 8 Rounds with in the given 90 seconds.
Elite Competition Class
1. Conditioning
For Time:
20 Thrusters, 95/65
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 95/65
20 Jerks, 95/65
20 OHS, 95/65
20 Front Squats, 95/65
Every Minute, on the minute complete 5 Burpees, starting at the 60 second mark.
2. Snatch
1 heavy Snatch, not above 90%
2×2 Snatch Push Press at 1RM Snatch weight
3×3 Snatch Pull at 110% of 1RM Snatch
3. Gymnastic Pull Conditioning
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 unbroken C2B Pull ups for time – if you come off the bar before completing the prescribed reps, redo that set.