There’s been a lot going on in the DNR community lately including…. Darryl and Angela tying the knot this past weekend! AND Kailey’s 21st Birthday is today!
Warm Up: 5 Min Limit
Duck walk around the gym
10 Inch worms
PVC Shoulder ROM Drills
Mobility & Set Up: 10 mins
Roll Lats
Roll Hip Flexors
Stretch Hips
Strength: 10 Mins
10 Min EMOM
Odd: 2-4 Front Squats w/ pause
Even: 7-12 Pull Ups – Hardest Variation Possible
15 Min AMRAP
30 Wallballs (20/14)
15 KBS (53/35)
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
Elite Competition Class
1. Bike Conditioning – 30 Mins
3 sets of:
(5 x 1:30 on Assault Bike/Row, rest :15)
Each person must do one set on the bike and two sets on the rower
1 minute rest between sets
2. Gymnastics Conditioning – This will be an option on Friday
3. Conditioning -18 Min Cap
For Time:
120 Double Unders
100 Air Squats
800 Meter Run
600 Meter Plate Run 45/35
40 Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)
30/20 Calorie Assault Bike or Row