Then Next Two Weeks Of Programing Is Brought To You
By Coach David And Coach Bryan!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 7 mins
2 min Row/Bike
Burgener(ish) – 5 reps at each movement:
- Dip drive (no bend at arms)
- Elbows high and out (high pull)
- Muscle snatch
- Behind the head press
- OH Squat
- Snatch balance
- Full Squat snatch
Strength: 20 mins
4 Mins
To warm up to working weight
8 Mins
Coach Lead 2-3 sec Tempo or “Slow” Squat Snatch
3×3 at 70, 75 & 75%
60 sec rest between sets
8 Mins
Tempo Back Squat 2-3-1-0
3×5 at 70%
60 sec rest between sets
- 2-3-1-0
- The first number (2) is the eccentric, or lowering, component of the lift.
- The second number (3) denotes any pause at the bottom.
- The third number (1) is the concentric, or lifting, component.
- Finally, the fourth number (0) denotes any pause at the top.
Metcon: 15 Min CAP
3 Sets (1 set every 5 minutes)
10 Hang Snatch 95/65
15 Cal row/bike
20 wall ball 20/14
Functional Bodybuilding Class
B WEEK Volume week
Monday: Chest and Biceps
1) Bench Press 4×25
2)Super Set 3×12-15
DB Incline Bench Press
EZ Bar Curls
3)Super Set 3×12-15
Flat Bench Alt. DB Bench Press
Close Grip Straight Bar Curl
4)Super Set 3×12-15
Incline Flies
Incline Hammer Curls
5) Push Up Ladder 2 Sets
10 reps wide grip Push Ups
10 Reps Smith Machine Low elevated wide grip Push Up
10 Reps Smith Machine Medium elevated nutral grip Push Up
10 Reps Smith Machine High elevated Narrow grip Push Up
10 Reps Smith Machine High elveated Reverse Narrow grip Push Up
6) Inclined EZ Bar Curls (preacher style) 3×12-15
7)Burnout Sessions Cable Fly Neg breath stroke 3×12-15
8) 1xMax Effort
Alt. DB Curls Drop Set
Dive Team
Warm Up: 10 Mins
Rowing Game!
Strength: 8 Mins
Tabata 20/10 (4 rounds = 8 min)
Tuck Ups
Hip Circles Clockwise
Reverse Crunch
Hip Circles Counter Clockwise
Metcon: 15 Min
3 Sets (1 set every 5 minutes)
6 Alt Devil Press
12 Cal Row
15 Wall Ball