Warm Up: 4 Mins
150 M Row
25 Hollow Rocks
30 Superman Raises
Core Development: 3 Min
2 Round Rotating Tabata (20:10)
Russian Twists
Flutter Kicks
Sit Ups
Metcon: 15 Mins
3 Rounds – 35 Seconds on / 25 Seconds off
Min 1: 6 In place high knees then 4 Jumping Lunges
Min 2: 4 Narrow Push Ups then 4 Wide Push Ups
Min 3: 5 Crunches then 5 Tuck Ups
Min 4: 6 Mountain Climbers then 2 Lateral Plank Walks (L.) next round (R.)
Min 5: 4 Crab Toe Touches then 4 Kick Throughs
*Repeat the above for 35 secs then rest for remaining 25 secs of each min*