We are one week out from the In-house Olympic lifting meet! Make sure you register up via the sign up sheet at the front desk and declare your Snatch and Clean&Jerk weights. There is no charge or fee to participate! Just a bunch of people hitting new PR’s after a fun 12 week Oly Program!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up 8 Mins
4 round :20/:10 air squat tabata
10 hanging knee ups
10 hang power cleans
10 push press
10 front squats
Strength: 20 mins
4 Mins to warm up to first working weight
9 Mins
Clean and Jerk
*Set 1 = 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 2 = 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 = 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 95%
*Set 6 = 2 reps @ 90%
8 Mins
Tempo Front Squat 2-0-X-0
3×5 at 70%
60 sec rest between sets
- 2-0-1-0
- The first number (2) is the eccentric, or lowering, component of the lift.
- The second number (0) denotes any pause at the bottom.
- The third number (X) is the concentric, or lifting, component. (X=Explode Up)
- Finally, the fourth number (0) denotes any pause at the top.
Metcon: 8 mins
8 min AMRAP Ladder
2 Wallball 20/14
2 Sit Ups
2 Medball Cleans
2 V-Ups (advanced athlete T-2-B)
Increasing 2 reps every round
Functional Bodybuilding Class
Friday: Arms Bicep/Tricep (Optional Day)
1) 4×8-12 Super Set
Incline DB Curls
Rope Tricep Ext
2) 4×8-12 Super Set
Reverse Curl
Incline Skull Crushers
3) 4×8-12 Super Set
Incline Seated DB Hammer Curl
Tricep Kick Backs
4) 4×8-12 Super Set
Close Grip Straight Bar Curl
Single Arm Reverse Cable Ext
6) 4×8-12 Super Set
Alternating DB Curls
Straight Bar Cable Ext
7) 3xME
Incline Bench Preacher EZ bar Curl
Dive Team
Coach Luke