“MA!! Where’s the protein?!”
Ascent is back on the shelf!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up: 6 mins
2 Rounds:
10 Strict Press
10 Kip Swings
3 Inchworms
5 Burpee Broad Jumps
Strength: 8 Mins
12:00 to complete the following:
21-15-9 Strict Press (55%) – aim for fewest sets possible
*5 MU / 8 Wide Grip Strict Pull Ups after each round
Mobility: 10 Mins
3:00 Roll T-Spine
3:00 Roll Chest
4:00 Banded Stretches
Metcon: 13 Mins
On a 13:00 Clock:
0:00-1:00 AMRAP
5 Power Snatch (135/95)
5 Lateral Bar Over Burpees
1:00-3:00 Rest
3:00-6:00 AMRAP
5 Power Snatch (135/95)
6 Dips
7 Lateral Bar Over Burpees
6:00-9:00 Rest
9:00-13:00 AMRAP
5 Power Snatch (135/95)
6 Dips
7 Lateral Bar Over Burpees
Elite Competition Class
Recovery Day
Performance Power Training
Thursday, January 23rd, 2020
Pre-Flight: Everyone gets a nasty burn of Power Snatch and Pullups.
Jet Fuel: A combo of Monday and Tuesday:
Have people in a plank in rows, facing you. One your que they perform “fast hands” (simply alternate lifting each hand off the floor rapidly). Then you give a direction, either left, right, or down. On left they have to plank walk left. On right, plank walk right. On down, they perform 1 pushup. Have them go for about 20 seconds. Do it 3-4 times.
40 Banded Pull aparts
Major, Lift: Red: Shoulder Press
-then 2xmax reps @80% of the heaviest set of the day
Wht/Blu: Pause Bench
Max 3
**2 count pause on each rep**
**Compare to 5 December 19th**
GainCity: 4x
8 Single Arm DB Row
20 DB CSR’s + Max reps tricep kickouts (this will need to be light weight)
25 Bandy Curl
Max Reps Pushups
10 min Running Clock:
5 Min AMRAP:
3 Power Snatch AHAP
Max Reps Strict Pullups
*Every round, perform 1 set of max rep strict pullups, then go back to power snatch.
Rest 2 min
1 min Max Reps Power Snatch @75% of previous weight
Rest 1 min
1 min max reps pullups (kip ok)
**Power snatch does not have to be touch n go. Scale pullups, bands ok today.