We will be having a judges / Volunteers meeting this Friday evening at 8:20 p.m to discuss the flow and movement standards of the Barbells & Badges, and FoCo Throwdown Competitions next weekend. All workout descriptions for the B&B have been released and can be found on the FB event page. 2 of the 3 workouts for FoCo Throwdown have been released and the final event will be announced on Friday. Remember to come and support the First Responder Community next Saturday for the B&B event!
Freedom WOD Classes
Warm Up:
250 M Row
Then 2 Rounds:
10 Hang Power Cleans
5 Dragon Flags
Midline: 6 Mins
4 Round Rotating Tabata (20:10)
Hollow Hold
Bicycle Crunch
Side Plank – alternate sides each round
Mobility: 12 Mins
2 Min / Side Lax Roll Traps
3 Min / Side Lax Roll Hips (Glutes, Hip Flexors, etc)
Metcon: 11 Mins
11 Min EMOM
Min 1: 8-12 C2B Pull Ups or Jumping C2B
Min 2: 8-12 Hang Power Cleans (115/75)
Min 3: Row Cals 16/12
Min 4: Rest
*Athletes can start at any station but Min 4 is rest for everyone*
Elite Competition Class – 12/16/17
1. “Wreckbag Mile”
8 Rounds:
10 Sandbag Cleans/Ball Slams – alternate each round w/ a partner if necessary
200 Meter Sandbag/Slamball Run