CrossFit DNR Best CrossFit Gym In Northern Colorado 2021

Let’s GOO!!!!! Last chance to vote CFDNR as the best gym in NOCO! Freedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 8 Mins 3 min Warm Up Row or Bike 2 Rounds 5 Ring Rows 5 Snatch Pulls 5 High Hang Power Snatch Mobility: 5 Mins 60 sec /side Lax Roll Lats 60 sec /side Lax T-spin

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CrossFit DNR Ascent Protein Plant and whey Cookies and Cream Best gym in Fort Collins Best gym in Noco

We are fully stocked on Ascent Protein including the new flavor Cookies and Cream and the new Plant Based Protein in Chocolate and Vanilla Bean! Freedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 10 mins 2 rounds 10 Banded Pull Aparts 10 RDL 30 Sec Handstand Hold 10 Deadlift Then 5 Min Coach led Split Jerk Warm Up/Technique

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CrossFit DNR 8th Anniversary and Halloween WOD (11th including the garage glory days)! Best Gym In Fort Collins Best CrossFit gym in Northern Colorado

Your weekly reminder to get your Halloween hoodie, unisex t-shirt or female tank order placed. Deadline is Wednesday the 29th! Freedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 10 mins 200 M Run N-S Walking Samson down and back Anchor Point T-2-B Inchworms 200 M Run Mobility: 10 mins 10 Mins to smash and or roll out: Hips,

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CrossFit DNR NOCO Style Best CrossFit Gym 2021

This is the LAST WEEK to vote CrossFit DNR as the Best CrossFit Gym in Northern Colorado via Please click the link below and vote. Note: You can vote once per email. If you have multiple emails please vote multiple times! Freedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 5 Mins 2 Rounds 600 Bike /250

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KAROKE NIGHT CrossFit DNR Fort Collins Colorado Community Night Best Gym In Fort Collins Best Gym In Noco

Hooligans… Tonight will be full of epic karaoke! There have been whispers for a year and a half about recreating the spectacle, in person, inside the walls of DNR. We are stoked to say that day has finally come! We will be cancelling the 7:20 p.m CF class on Friday the 24th and getting weird

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CrossFit DNR 8th Anniversary and Halloween WOD (11th including the garage glory days)! Best Gym In Fort Collins Best CrossFit gym in Northern Colorado

Halloween Hoodie, Unisex T-shirt and Lady tank order form is at the front desk. Don’t forget to place your order before the 29th. Freedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 8 Mins 2 Rounds 30 Sec Burpees 30 Sec Russian KB Swings 30 Sec Banded Row 30 Sec Double Unders Mobility: 5 Mins Athlete choice Strength: 12

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Terms and Conditions for trial week

You must be a resident and have a local address in Fort Collins. Offer valid for new members only! Parent or guardian must be present to sign waiver for anyone under the age of 18 years of age. Can note be combined with any other offers or discounts. 

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