Freedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 6 mins 1:00 PVC ROM Then 2 Rounds: 10 Push Ups 15 Banded Pull Aparts 20 Lat Press Downs 25 Jump Ropes Strength: 18 Mins 4 Supersets 10 Bench Press 60% :30 Max Rep Push Ups 3:00 Rest Between Sets Home WOD: 12 Min Cap 12 Min AMRAP 16 Bench
Learn MoreToday we will be performing strength AFTER we do the METCON! Freedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 5 mins 400 M Run 1:00 Inchworms :20 High Knees In Place :20 Butt Kicks In Place :20 Air Squats Home WOD: 15 Min Cap For Time 1 Mile Run Metcon: 15 Min Cap For Time 1 Mile Run
Learn MoreFreedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 6 mins 2:00 of “Bring Sally Up” Air Squats (song title “Flowers” – Moby) Then: 10 Power Cleans 10 Front Squats 1:00 / Side Samson Stretch Strength: 22 Mins 22:00 to Complete 4xSuperset: 7 Front Squats + 13 Back Squats 65% of Front Squat 1RM *Perform back squats immediately after
Learn MoreSit Ups For Pups is back! This year, the non-profit Barbells for Bullies is aiming to hit 5 MILLION sit ups in the month of March as a community! 5 Million is the estimated number of shelter animals rescued since their mission started in 2016. Last year, CrossFit DNR was the leader of all CrossFit
Learn MoreThis workout above might look a bit familiar… After the carnage of this workout on 4/16 we decided to use it as the base for the first workout of Barbells & Badges June 26-27th! Registration for the event opens up next Monday with 2 Females/2 Males on each team. Start figuring out your teams and
Learn MoreFreedom WOD Classes Warm Up: 5 mins 5 Min Circuit Coach Led Barbell path Home WOD: 38 MinĀ Every 90 Secs for 18 Mins (12 Attempts) Snatch – Looking to find your 1RM (If we are newer to the lift then weight should be keep low, working on form) Rest 2:00 Every 90 Secs for
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