Marie, Kolton, Cole, Coach Jake and Coach Kyle have a Olympic weight lifting meet this weekend coming up. This will be a first for all of them, so feel free to come out and support them. The meet will be held at Front Range CrossFit . 2016 FRCF Spring Weightlifting Meet Saturday, April 30th – Sunday, May 1st,
Learn MoreFreedom WOD Classes Warm Up: D.R.O.M.S Strength: Week Two: Over Loading Sq Clean 80-85% of 1RM 5 x 3 Metcon: 50 Calorie Row 40 MB Sq Cleans 20/14 30 TTB 20 Wall Ball Sit Ups 20/14 10 Ring MU / 10 Ring Row and 10 Dips Elite Competition Class 1. Conditioning 6 Min to Run
Learn MoreFreedom WOD Classes Warm Up: D.R.O.M.S Strength: Week Two: Over Loading Push Press 75% of 1RM 6 x 6 Metcon: 400 M Run (Note: the 400 M Run has changed and is not down the alley) 100 Double Unders 10 HSPU 20 Hand Release Push Ups 10 HSPU 100 Double Unders 400 M Run Elite
Learn MoreFreedom WOD Classes Warm Up: D.R.O.M.S Strength: Loading Week One Sq Snatch 80-85% of 1RM 5 x 3 Metcon: Perform 75 Hang Power Snatch 75/55 Every minute on the minute, including the first minute, complete 5 Burpees Elite Competition Class 1. Conditioning For time: 50 Calorie Row 40 Front Squats (135/95) 30 TTB 20
Learn MoreGreg Opper finished up his 2016 CrossFit Masters Qualifier on Sunday. After submitting all his scores he currently sits in 1st place for the WORLD (we have a pic ↑ to prove it)! All though this will not likely hold up, we bet he still fairs pretty well over all. WELL done Greg Opper, We
Learn MoreThe amazing Heather Wolfe is unfortunately leaving us, but finally going to be moving in with her wife! The Gonzales family has offered to host a going away party for Heather and has invited all DNR athletes and families to spend time with Heather before she moves. Come hang out with the DNR crew, enjoy
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