Right now we have more athletes signed up for the 2016 CrossFit Opens than any other CrossFit gym in Fort Collins. Lets keep that up, if you haven’t signed up yet, then please do so! Freedom WOD Classes Warm Up: Coaches choice Mobility: Athlete choice Strength: EMOM for 5 mins 5 HSPU beginner/intermediate 10 HSPU
Learn MoreHere is what our 2016 Opens shirt will look like, but with our gym name in the center. Get signed up for the CrossFit Opens by clicking the link below. The shirts will cost $15.00, if you would like to order one please let us know what sizes. The order for the shirts will go
Learn MoreFreedom WOD Classes Warm Up: Strength: Flight simulator 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50 Skills: 20 mins of Squat Snatch technique Metcon: 15 min AMRAP 5 Snatch 95/65 10 Ring Dips 15 Lunges each leg 95/65 Elite Competition Class 1. Strength A. 3×1 Squat Clean B. 3×2 Bench Press C. 3×3 OHS 2. Row Conditioning 25 Calorie Row 25 Box
Learn MoreIf you are planning on signing up for the CrossFit Opens please get signed up sooner than later. For those that are signed up or are going to, We are going to be ordering Opens tee shirts very soon. If you are wanting a shirt please make sure your name is on the Opens board
Learn MoreThis weeks focus is Olympic Lifting. We will segment the movements starting from the ground up. The mind set this week needs to be “Precision beats power, and timing beats speed” We will be more powerful if we are precise and faster if our timing is perfect! Freedom WOD Classes Warm Up: Strength: EMOM for
Learn MoreA Big Happy Birthday to Ryan Smith, Dean Gonzales and Teal Collins! Hope you had a great weekend! Freedom WOD Classes Open Gym Elite Competition Class 1. Conditioning 20 Front Squats, 225/155 – no rack 40 C2B Pull ups 10 Front Squats, 225/155 20 C2B Pull ups 2. Conditioning 20 Snatches, 115/80 4 Rope Climbs
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