Freedom WOD Classes D.R.O.M.s Strength: Strict press using 90% of your 1RM to calculate load 75% X 5 85% X 3 95% X 1+ Metcon: 30-20-10 Burpees Push press 95/65 Elite Competition Class 1. Snatch Work up to a heavy complex of: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS 2. Conditioning:

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Freedom WOD Classes D.R.O.M.s Strength: Back squats using 90% of your 1RM to calculate load 75% X 5 85% X 3 95% X 1+ Metcon: 13.3 12 min AMRAP 150 Wall Balls 20/14 90 Double Unders 30 Muscle Ups (30 chest to bar pull ups) Elite Competition Class 1. Strength A. 1-rep heavy Clean B.

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Freedom WOD Classes D.R.O.M.s Metcon: Open GYM! Elite Competition Class 1. Conditioning With Teams of 3 Complete AMRAP 22: 7 Rope Climbs 10 Thrusters, 155/105 15 Power Clean, 155/105 46 Cal Row 1 athlete works at a time. 2. Gymnastics 5 RFT: 10 Pistols 15 GHDSU 3. Strength 4×6 Overhead Squat

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Freedom WOD Classes D.R.O.M.s Strength Bench press 90% of your 1RM to calculate load 70% X 3 80% X 3 90% X 3+ Metcon: 3 Rounds 1 min Max Effort Chest to Bar pull ups KB swings 53/35 GHD Sit ups (modify to ab mat sit ups as needed) KB Snatch 53/35   Elite Competition

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Freedom WOD Classes D.R.O.M.s Strength: Deadlift 90% of your 1RM to calculate load 70% X 3 80% X 3 90% X 3+   Metcon: 7 Rounds 30 Double unders 5 Deadlifts 225/135 Elite Competition Class Recovery Day  

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Freedom WOD Classes D.R.O.M.s Strength: EMOM 10 – 70% of Clean Complex odd min: H. Clean + S. Clean + P. Press even min: H. Clean + S. Clean + Jerk (split or squat) Metcon: 3 Rounds 400 m run 20 Burpees 10 Jumping lunge explodes per leg Elite Competition Class 1 RM Deadlift 2.

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Terms and Conditions for trial week

You must be a resident and have a local address in Fort Collins. Offer valid for new members only! Parent or guardian must be present to sign waiver for anyone under the age of 18 years of age. Can note be combined with any other offers or discounts. 

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